Official website of
The Think-Tank of Nigerian Education and Development

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Office of the Executive Secretary

Acting Executive Secretary - Dr. Margaret Taiwo Lawani


The Executive Secretary's Office (ESO) is the Administrative Seat of the Council. the following Units report directly to the Executive Secretary:

  1. Internal Audit Unit;
  2. Public Affairs Unit;
  3. Legal Unit

The ESO has a Directorate approved by the Governing Board in 2006 to be headed by a Director. The Directorate was established to coordinate and monitor the implementation of cross-cutting academic activities, and institutional linkage projects. the Directorate alsosupervised the zonal offices as well as the Ancillary Client Services.

The Academic Units

  • Academic Programmes and Policy Unit;
  • Teacher Capacity Building Unit;
  • Field (Zonal) Offices

Ancillary Client Services which facilitates the carrying out of the mandates of the Council are listed below:

  • NERDC Press, Jibowu Lagos
  • Conference Centre Agidingbi, Lagos
  • Conference Centre Sheda, Abuja
  • Bookshops located in each of the zonal offices, the Liaison Office and the Headquarters.

Liaison Office provides a link between the Headquarters and the FCT is located in the City centre Abuja.


The Executive Secretary statutorily coordinates the implementation of the mandates of the Council as stated in the Act establishing the six Academic Centres.

This is in addition to carrying out other related educational development activities likely to enhance the performsnce of the functions of the Council under Act No. 53 such as:

  • Sponsorship of national and international conference as may be relevant to the functions of the Council under the Act establishing the Council;
  • Fostering and maintaining relationship with corresponding educational research and development bodies in Nigeria and other countries;
  • Organising Teacher capacity building programmes with educational institutions through the field offices;
  • Disseminating information on Council's books, curriculum, language development and educational research activities.


The strategic leadership activities and programmes in the Executive Secretary's office that have impacted positively on NERDC's research and developmental mandate, with significant transformational progress and achievements include:

  • Publication of the Journal of Research in Education (JORED).

Download NERDC 2016 Achievements Report
Download NERDC 2017 Achievements Report

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Office of the Executive Secretary

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