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Tribute to Professor Ismail Junaidu (1953-2024)

It is with deep sorrow that the President, Prof Imelda Udoh, the Exco and members of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria (LAN) remember and honor the life of Professor Ismail Junaidu, the late Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council, Abuja, whose sudden death occured on 25th July, 2024 after a brief illness. Prof Junaidu was an excellent linguist, a prominent member and Fellow of LAN, illustrious scholar, educator, and leader who dedicated his life to the advancement of education and linguistics in Nigeria and beyond. Born on June 3rd, 1953, in the city of Katsina, Professor Junaidu’s journey was one marked by an unwavering commitment to knowledge, culture, and the betterment of society.

Professor Junaidu was not just a man of letters but a beacon of wisdom, whose contributions to linguistics, language education, and educational development have left an indelible mark on the academic world. His educational journey began with foundational Islamic education in his family’s tradition, followed by his attendance at Rafindadi Primary School and Government Secondary School, Katsina. His thirst for knowledge led him to Ahmadu Bello University, where he earned a B.A. in Hausa, and subsequently to the University of York, England, and Indiana University, USA, where he completed his M.A. in Language and Ph.D. in Linguistics, respectively.

His academic exploits were vast and varied. From his early days as an Assistant Lecturer at Bayero University, Kano, to his rise to the position of Senior Lecturer, Professor Junaidu was a guiding light for many students and colleagues. His expertise in linguistics, especially in Hausa syntax and phonology, made him a sought-after lecturer and external examiner across several Nigerian universities. His supervision of numerous Ph.D. and M.A. theses reflected his deep understanding and passion for the intricate dynamics of language.

Beyond the classroom, Professor Junaidu’s impact was felt in various leadership roles. As the Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC), he steered the organization towards new heights of educational research and curriculum development. His tenure as Director of the Curriculum Development Centre and the Language Development Centre at NERDC was marked by significant contributions to the educational landscape of Nigeria. His involvement in numerous national and international committees and organizations underscored his dedication to educational assessment, language development, and policy formulation. He steered the development of the 2022 National Language Policy for Nigeria.

Professor Junaidu was not just an academic but also a prolific author, editor, and researcher. His publications spanned across books, journal articles, and conference papers that have been instrumental in shaping language policy, educational management, and curriculum development in Nigeria. His works on Hausa language and culture are particularly noteworthy, reflecting his deep love and commitment to preserving and promoting Nigerian languages.

His membership in several learned societies and his participation in international conferences highlighted his stature as a respected scholar on the global stage. His contributions were recognized with numerous awards and honors, including the Award of Excellence by the Historical Society of Nigeria and the National Association of Teachers of Technology.

As we bid farewell to Professor Ismail Junaidu, we celebrate a life well-lived, a life that has inspired countless individuals and made significant contributions to the field of education and linguistics. His legacy will continue to live on in the hearts and minds of those he touched, and in the institutions and policies he helped shape.

May his soul rest in eternal peace, and may his contributions continue to guide and inspire future generations.

Prof Greg Obiamalu, MNAL
LAN Secretary

Remembering Late Professor Ismail Junaidu, former Executive Secretary of NERDC

Death is really an eventual thing. Usually, it knocks at us when we least want it. The hard thing is that it does not need our permission to enter. It's an experience no one is permitted to share for death refuses the dead that opportunity. It locks us out from families and friends. It locks us out from our visions and dreams. It stops us from our cherished life endeavours. It denies us every chance to live again. It stops us from taking along our beauty and greatness. It barrs us from taking along our achievements and wealth. It totally separates us from all that we have and all that we desire to have. It ends it all.

These attributes of death make it appear wicked and callous, but it is a divine gift to mankind. It is a great messenger of the Almighty to remind us that we are less than we think. To remind us how transient our lives are. To remind us that our lives do not belong to us. To remind us that we are actually stakeholders nor the owners. To remind us of the vanity of life. To remind us that our thoughts and plans are actually ours and limited to the short time we have on earth. To remind us that in all, the will of the Almighty will prevail. To ultimately remind us of the need to lead a quality life and one that can be remembered for the good works.

The sudden death of Professor Ismail Junaidu confirms those attributes of death as explained earlier. And today, we remember him for the good life he lived. Although he died at the peak of his career, the late Executive Secretary of NERDC lived an accomplished life.

I may not be able to tell all the stories of my encounter with him, I can say, without equivocation, that Professor Ismail Junaidu lived a worthy and fulfilled life. He fulfilled his dreams and supported many others to keep track with theirs. He demonstrated leadership, humanity and love in all that he did on earth.

Before my personal encounter with him, I never heard any bad stories about him. He was noted to be one of the outstanding Directors in NERDC. He was described as a man with listening ears. A man who would give in his best to solve your problems. I can recall the words of an Admin Staff to me in early days at NERDC" the man is easily approachable, always go to him for any problems". Although, I never did, all my encounters with him as a staff member in his office, confirms the words of the admin staff. And I know many NERDC staff would agree to this.

As the Executive Secretary, Professor Junaidu ensured that staff promotions were conducted as and when due. He ensured that no one was denied promotion. In fact, he softened the grounds to make everyone fly even when some wings were weak to do so. He removed barriers that had and would have stagnated many in their career path. Many earned their PhDs under his tenure and through his support. Under him, many became directors and were put on the path to become. He implemented the ASURI scheme of service which many of us today enjoy. He was a lover of his own. He wanted the good of all and lived for the good of all.

Although Junaidu came into the office when budgetary allocation to NERDC was reduced, he never allowed the situation to stop him or bring the Council to a standstill. He opened the door of collaboration with many development partners and government agencies. The multiple collaborations kept the Council moving and recording great achievements that surprised the supervising Ministry. I recall the former Honourable Minister of Education saying, Prof. How did you achieve all these with your meager budget. Under this, NERDC developed the accelerated basic education programme to tackle the menace of out of school children and youths. The first of its kind in Nigeria and in the west Africa sub region. Also under this, NERDC developed the education in emergency curriculum, the first in the world. NERDC has also through the collaborative efforts developed Capital Market Curriculum, Electoral Education Curriculum, Financial Education Curriculum, Entrepreneurship Education Curriculum to enrich the trade subjects. Through the same approach he championed the development of many Nigerian language curricula to keep those languages alive, developed the National Reading Framework, and many more.

It was under the sterling leadership of the late Professor Junaidu that Nigeria developed her first ever National Language Policy. He led the process and ensured its accomplishment. The successful development of the National Language Policy remains a surprise to many foremost linguists who had pushed for it for over 4 decades. The late ES was indeed a focused and astute leader.

He understood the needs of Nigerians and was willing to satisfy those needs as far as the mandate of NERDC was concerned. One of his targets was to transform the educational landscape through the introduction of competency/outcome-based school curricula. A target that seemed tall and unattainable given the technical and financial demands, but late Junaidu believed in himself and in his staff, so he ventured into the race. He knew what to do and he was strategic in the approach. He knew the importance of a strong foundation and so he laid such through the development of guidelines, benchmark and standards for the review of both the basic and senior secondary education curricula. The first of its kind in the Nigeria education landscape. Today NERDC is on the verge of delivering the curriculum. What a great leader. What a goal getter.

He had one drive, to lIft NERDC to the height, and that drive held him hostage all through his life as the Executive Secretary. Yes, he achieved it because he took NERDC to the pinnacle of educational research and development in the world.

Late Junaidu was an all-rounder in the education sector. He showed great concern for the education of people with visual impairment. Thus, through the support of UBEC, he adapted the basic education curriculum for learners with visual impairment. Another first of its kind in Nigeria. He developed clear guidelines for curriculum adaptation in Nigeria. I celebrate your achievements even though you are no more, Professor Junaidu. The late Executive Secretary of NERDC was a goal getter and always open to ideas rather than sentiments. He cared less about tribe and religion. He was more aligned to achieving his goal than satisfying his instincts and feelings. He gave his all and achieved his all. No wonder the Almighty destined him to die in active service while on a national assignment. No wonder, as a mark of honour, an ongoing Plenary Meeting of the Joint Consultative Committee on Education (JCCE) had to be closed to mourn him. You can dare to deny his good deeds, but you can't take away his landmark achievements. A seasoned administrator, an experienced educationist, a world class linguist, a researcher, and a mentor. The education family will miss you, yes, we shall miss you. Rest on Professor Ismail Junaidu. Though your death may be painful, your works give us strength. They never die who live in the hearts of their loved ones. You live on, Prof. I wish you bye bye to your creator.

Dr Chima Egbujuo
Policy and Programmes Unit,
NERDC, Headquarters, Abuja

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